Birthday Milestones - Bud Weis

HARLAN -- Cletus “Bud” Weis of Harlan will celebrate his 95th birthday on February 2. His family is requesting a card shower in his honor. Cards will reach him if sent to Bud Weis % Elm Crest Retirement Community, 2104 12th Street, Harlan, IA 51537.
His family includes his children, step-children, and their families. Bud’s children with his first wife, Elaine, include Ken and Judy Weis, Omaha; Donna and Joe Adler, Omaha; Jan and Steve Davis, Council Bluffs, Terry and Sharon Weis, Treynor; Gail and Lori Weis, Omaha; Mary Sue and Don Assmann, Surprise, AZ; Craig and Michele Weis, Earling; Jerry and Theresa Weis, Irwin; Tammy and John Link, Ansonia CT; and Kris and Ted Hennings, Council Bluffs.