Birthday Milestones - Carl Citta
Wed, 12/16/2020 - 5:00pm

Former Harlan resident Carl Citta celebrates 90th birthday in Dec.
OMAHA -- Former Harlan resident Carl J. Citta will mark his 90th birthday on December 25. His family is requesting a card shower in his honor. Cards will reach him if sent to %Cheri Schouten, 3328 Fontanelle Blvd., Omaha, NE 68104.
Carl’s family includes his wife of 68 years, Maxine; son Steve Citta and wife, Mary, Cedar Falls; daughters Teresa Twite-Crowder and husband Joe, Sidney, NE; Cheri (Citta) Schouten, Omaha; seven grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.