County in good financial position according to audit report

SHELBY COUNTY — Shelby County is in a good financial position according to an audit report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023.
Chris Nelson, president of Gronewold, Bell, Khynn & Co., PC of Atlantic presented the report to the Shelby County Board of Supervisors April 2.
“There was nothing new or unusual,” Nelson said. “There are no red flags at all.”
Steve Kenkel, Chairman of the Shelby County Board of Supervisors said he was pleased with the results.
“The audit presented a very healthy financial picture of our county,” Kenkel said. “It demonstrated that our department heads lived within their tight budgets and are providing quality services at a cost to the tax payer below our county’s state ranking.”
Revenues of the county’s governmental activities increased 3.0%, , or approximately $488,000 from the fiscal year 2022 to 2023, according to the report. Property and other county taxes and local option sales tax increased approximately $510,000. Operating grants and contributions decreased approximately $445,000, and capital grants and contributions increased by approximately $335,00.
Program expenses of the County’s governmental activities increased 11 .5%, or approximately $1,751,000, more in Fiscal 2023 than in Fiscal 2022. Public Safety and Legal Services decreased $214,000, Mental Health decreased $414,000, Roads and Transportation increased $706,000, and Administration increased $1,400,000.
The County’s net position decreased 1.5%, or approximately $431,000, from June 30, 2022
to June 30, 2023.
As Shelby County completed the year, its governmental funds reported a combined fund balance of $5.42 million, a decrease of approximately $1,891,000 from last year’s total of $7.31 million. The following are the reasons for the changes in fund balances of the major funds from the prior year:
The General Fund, the operating fund for Shelby County, ended Fiscal Year 2023 with a fund balance totaling $1,452,283. This was an increase from Fiscal Year 2022 of $498,634.
The Rural Services Fund ended Fiscal Year 2023 with a fund balance of $418,735. This was an increase from Fiscal Year 2022 of $32,837.
The Secondary Roads Fund ended Fiscal Year 2023 with a fund balance of $3,117,267, down $445,396 when compared to the ending balance for Fiscal Year 2022. The reported stated, “The County continues to work for Federal and State grants and shared funding projects, such as FEMA, EWP, etc., to help offset the maintenance costs to local taxpayers.”
The American Rescue Plan Fund ended Fiscal Year 2023 with a fund balance of $ - 0 -. This was the same balance as Fiscal Year 2022.
The Capital Projects Fund ended Fiscal Year 2023 with a fund balance of $280,466. This was a decrease from Fiscal Year 2022 of $1,871,304.