Masons gather to honor Grand Lodge officers

HARLAN – Iowa Freemasons gathered Saturday, March 6 in Harlan to honor and pay tribute to three 2020-21 officers of the Grand Lodge of Iowa of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons.
Honorees were Dennis R. Heflin, Grand Master from Harlan; John D. Lloyd, Deputy Grand Master from Osceola; and Donald (Donnie) A. Drennan, Grand Chaplain from Atlantic.
Freemasons is a fraternity with men from many different occupations and walks of life, that teaches through own self improvement, we can help others, said Heflin. Approximately 165 individuals attended the event hosted at Veterans Memorial Auditorium Saturday.
“Our fraternity encourages us, as members, to become better men, husbands, fathers, and citizens,” Heflin said.
“The lifelong friendships we have made help build our fraternal bonds and personal development. In short, Masons are men of good character who strive to improve themselves and make the world a better place.”
Heflin was born in 1947 and raised on the family farm near Harlan. He attended Windy Knoll Country School through fifth grade and then attended Laurel School for 6th grade. Heflin graduated from Harlan Community Schools in 1965.
In February, 1967, he married Linda Kelly, and they have made their home on the farm ever since.
Heflin has been a member of Parian Lodge #321 in Harlan since 1972, has served the lodge as an officer in the different stations and places, and has served on many of the standing committees.
He served the Grand Lodge previously in 2013-14 appointed as Grand Chaplain. In 2017 he was elected to serve as Junior Grand Warden for the 2017-18 Grand Lodge year.
He also has served the Grand Lodge over the years as a member of the Lodge Service Committee. He is a district lecturer and is qualified to teach the Masonic ritual to other Masons.
Deputy Grand Master Lloyd was born in 1949 in Ottumwa. He and his wife of 49 years, Jan, live in Osceola.
Lloyd is past master and member of Osceola Lodge 77. He previously served the Grand Lodge as Junior Grand Deacon in 2015-16 and currently chairs the committee on Appeals and Grievances. He is a District Lecturer and qualified to teach Masonic ritual to other Masons.
Lloyd is a senior Iowa district court judge and previously practiced law in Osceola. He is a former Clarke County Attorney.
Grand Chaplain Drennan (Donnie) was born in Corning in 1954. He married his grade school sweetheart, Arlene, in 1975. He and his wife currently reside in Atlantic, where they have made their home since 1983.
The Drennans have two grown children and four grandchildren.
Drennan was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason on January 14, 1991 at Pymosa Lodge No 271 in Atlantic. He has served the Lodge as Worshipful Master in 1998, 2015 and 2016, has held many other offices and is currently serving as Marshall.
In 2017 he received the T.S. Parvin Award from the Grand Lodge of Iowa. He is a Masonic Instructor.
Drennan owns his own insurance agency, Drennan Insurance LLC, and has been in the insurance business since March 1,1982. Arlene is the Manager of Cass County Abstract in Atlantic. She is also a licensed pastor.